Daily Archives: October 12, 2011

ROW80 post of updatedness

Though there’s not really anything to update. Life is quite hectic right now. I probably shouldn’t have signed up for this…but I think I was hoping for a reason to find some writing time–any writing time. Any at all. Hasn’t happened yet.

I haven’t even set a goal for Round 4 yet, other than writing every day, which will work its way into NaNoWriMo in November. Wow…not sure how that’s gonna happen, either, except that the coffee shop I’m helping to construct/paint/polyurethane wooden counters/scrape old carpet glue off the floors/move and carry garbage for should be open by the end of October at the latest. Hopefully then I’ll be able to get some sleep as well.

Words of encouragement? Anyone? *echo*
